480 research outputs found

    Compassion as a practical and evolved ethic for conservation

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    © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The ethical position underpinning decisionmaking is an important concern for conservation biologists when setting priorities for interventions. The recent debate on how best to protect nature has centered on contrasting intrinsic and aesthetic values against utilitarian and economic values, driven by an inevitable global rise in conservation conflicts. These discussions have primarily been targeted at species and ecosystems for success, without explicitly expressing concern for the intrinsic value and welfare of individual animals. In part, this is because animal welfare has historically been thought of as an impediment to conservation. However, practical implementations of conservation that provide good welfare outcomes for individuals are no longer conceptually challenging; they have become reality. This reality, included under the auspices of "compassionate conservation," reflects an evolved ethic for sharing space with nature and is a major step forward for conservation

    Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Incorporating Nonhuman Animal Perspectives as Journalistic Sources

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    As part of journalism\u27s commitment to truth and justice by providing a diversity of relevant points of view, journalists have an obligation to provide the perspective of nonhuman animals in everyday stories that influence the animals\u27 and our lives. This essay provides justification and guidance on why and how this can be accomplished, recommending that, when writing about nonhuman animals or issues, journalists should: 1) observe, listen to, and communicate with animals and convey this information to audiences via detailed descriptions and audiovisual media, 2) interpret nonhuman animal behavior and communication to provide context and meaning, and 3) incorporate the animals’ stories and perspectives, and consider what is in their best interest. To fairly balance animal-industry sources and the anthropocentric biases that are traditionally inherent in news requires that journalists select less objectifying language and more appropriate human sources without a vested interest in how animals are used

    DHPR activation underlies SR Ca2+ release induced by osmotic stress in isolated rat skeletal muscle fibers

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    Changes in skeletal muscle volume induce localized sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release (LCR) events, which are sustained for many minutes, suggesting a possible signaling role in plasticity or pathology. However, the mechanism by which cell volume influences SR Ca2+ release is uncertain. In the present study, rat flexor digitorum brevis fibers were superfused with isoosmotic Tyrode's solution before exposure to either hyperosmotic (404 mOsm) or hypoosmotic (254 mOsm) solutions, and the effects on cell volume, membrane potential (Em), and intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) were determined. To allow comparison with previous studies, solutions were made hyperosmotic by the addition of sugars or divalent cations, or they were made hypoosmotic by reducing [NaCl]o. All hyperosmotic solutions induced a sustained decrease in cell volume, which was accompanied by membrane depolarization (by 14–18 mV; n = 40) and SR Ca2+ release. However, sugar solutions caused a global increase in [Ca2+]i, whereas solutions made hyperosmotic by the addition of divalent cations only induced LCR. Decreasing osmolarity induced an increase in cell volume and a negative shift in Em (by 15.04 ± 1.85 mV; n = 8), whereas [Ca2+]i was unaffected. However, on return to the isoosmotic solution, restoration of cell volume and Em was associated with LCR. Both global and localized SR Ca2+ release were abolished by the dihydropyridine receptor inhibitor nifedipine by sustained depolarization of the sarcolemmal or by the addition of the ryanodine receptor 1 inhibitor tetracaine. Inhibitors of the Na-K-2Cl (NKCC) cotransporter markedly inhibited the depolarization associated with hyperosmotic shrinkage and the associated SR Ca2+ release. These findings suggest (1) that the depolarization that accompanies a decrease in cell volume is the primary event leading to SR Ca2+ release, and (2) that volume-dependent regulation of the NKCC cotransporter contributes to the observed changes in Em. The differing effects of the osmotic agents can be explained by the screening of fixed charges by divalent ions

    Vocabulary Learning in a Yorkshire Terrier: Slow Mapping of Spoken Words

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    Rapid vocabulary learning in children has been attributed to “fast mapping”, with new words often claimed to be learned through a single presentation. As reported in 2004 in Science a border collie (Rico) not only learned to identify more than 200 words, but fast mapped the new words, remembering meanings after just one presentation. Our research tests the fast mapping interpretation of the Science paper based on Rico's results, while extending the demonstration of large vocabulary recognition to a lap dog. We tested a Yorkshire terrier (Bailey) with the same procedures as Rico, illustrating that Bailey accurately retrieved randomly selected toys from a set of 117 on voice command of the owner. Second we tested her retrieval based on two additional voices, one male, one female, with different accents that had never been involved in her training, again showing she was capable of recognition by voice command. Third, we did both exclusion-based training of new items (toys she had never seen before with names she had never heard before) embedded in a set of known items, with subsequent retention tests designed as in the Rico experiment. After Bailey succeeded on exclusion and retention tests, a crucial evaluation of true mapping tested items previously successfully retrieved in exclusion and retention, but now pitted against each other in a two-choice task. Bailey failed on the true mapping task repeatedly, illustrating that the claim of fast mapping in Rico had not been proven, because no true mapping task had ever been conducted with him. It appears that the task called retention in the Rico study only demonstrated success in retrieval by a process of extended exclusion

    It takes two: Evidence for reduced sexual conflict over parental care in a biparental canid

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    In biparental systems, sexual conflict over parental investment predicts that the parent providing care experiences greater reproductive costs. This inequality in parental contribution is reduced when offspring survival is dependent on biparental care. However, this idea has received little empirical attention. Here, we determined whether mothers and fathers differed in their contribution to care in a captive population of coyotes (Canis latrans). We performed parental care assays on 8 (n = 8 males, 8 females) mated pairs repeatedly over a 10-week period (i.e., 5–15 weeks of litter age) when pairs were first-time breeders (2011), and again as experienced breeders (2013). We quantified consistent individual variation (i.e., repeatability) in 8 care behaviors and examined within- and among-individual correlations to determine if behavioral plasticity within or parental personality across seasons varied by sex. Finally, we extracted hormone metabolites (i.e., cortisol and testosterone) from fecal samples collected during gestation to describe potential links between hormonal mechanisms and individual consistency in parental behaviors. Parents differed in which behaviors were repeatable: mothers demonstrated consistency in provisioning and pup-directed aggression, whereas fathers were consistent in pup checks. However, positive within-individual correlations for identical behaviors (e.g., maternal versus paternal play) suggested that the rate of change in all behaviors except provisioning was highly correlated between the sexes. Moreover, positive among-individual correlations among 50% of identical behaviors suggested that personality differences across parents were highly correlated. Lastly, negative among-individual correlations among pup-directed aggression, provisioning, and gestational testosterone in both sexes demonstrated potential links between preparental hormones and labile parental traits. We provide novel evidence that paternal contribution in a biparental species reaches near equivalent rates of their partners
